14 signs that You have worms

It has been shown that the parasites (or worms, as they are known in the village) are able to hurt and to "populate" any person's organs, including the eyes, the brain, the heart.

The symptoms of helminthiasis

And this has the development of the worst pathologies, among them:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • iron-deficiency anemia,
  • diseases of the intestinal tract,
  • neurological disorders
  • the education of the granulomas in the lungs, the liver, the abdominal cavity,
  • the weakening of the immunity.

Let's look at the symptoms, which in combination with others, may indicate the presence in the body of parasites.

The symptoms of helminthiasis (worms)

The itching worms

One of the most characteristic symptoms of the helminth infection (the presence of worms in the body) is itching in the anal area of step. The itch often intensifies at night, when the parasites lay eggs, they also produce toxic substances.

Skin eruptions to worms

Skin rashes, hyperthermia (redness) and pruritus may speak in favour of the presence in the organism of the person of helminths.

In addition, the toxic substances allocated in blood parasites, by accumulating, cause the violation, that by their external characteristics similar to the manifestations of serious diseases, such as eczema and urticaria.

The gnashing of the teeth during sleep

Bruxism (or teeth grinding) is a reaction of the nervous system of the person to a stimulus, which is a parasite.

Because the gnashing of the teeth, most often seen in the dream, when we are not able to do this, observe, pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • gradual erasing of the teeth,
  • increase of the sensitivity of the dentin,
  • the pain and discomfort in the jaw,
  • the traces of mastication and of the roughness of the inner surface of the cheeks.

However, on repeated occasions, the investigations, in which he tried to establish the communication between the gnashing of teeth and worms, have not yielded positive results.

Skin eruptions to worms

The scientists say that the gnashing of the teeth during sleep is a consequence of malocclusion, abnormalities of the lor-organs or nervous disorders.

Worms and weight loss

It is considered that the thinness is one of the signs of helminthiasis.

In fact, parasites do not only poison the body and rob them of their ability to receive the necessary amount of vitamins and nutrients. As a result, the person in the first place, feel the constant hunger, even if only strongly eaten, in the second place, you lose the weight.

Available another option: in the background of the poisoning can abyss of appetite, which also leads to loss of weight.

The constipation of the worms

Frequent constipation without apparent cause, may indicate the presence in the body of the worms.

The case is that helminths contribute to the irritation of the intestine and the violation of the process of digestion, so that reduces the entry of water in the body, which causes constipation.

In addition, when a large crowd of parasites of large size and produces the overlapping of them bile and of the intestinal tract, so that the number of acts of defecation is considerably reduced, and the process is linked with unpleasant sensations.

Diarrhea with worms

Certain types of parasites produce substances that, accumulating, derived from a body chloride and sodium, as a result of which there arise the frequent urge to defecation.

Diarrhea with worms can occur due to an inflammatory process caused by the fact that the parasites adhere to the walls of the small intestine, forcing it to allocate such a large amount of liquid, with which they infected the body is not able to handle.

The gnashing of the teeth during sleep

The swelling of the worms

Swelling and pain in the abdomen, increased flatulence may be the result of inflammation of the intestinal walls, which are guilty of the parasites.

Special attention to these symptoms, you need to to lend to those that have appeared after their travel to countries with a bad ecological situation.

The pain in the joints worms

Toxins secreted by the parasites enter the muscles, as well as in the joint fluid, preventing the good nutrition of the tissues. This leads to inflammation in the joints and muscles, and is accompanied by pain, feelings of awkward or acute nature.

Anemia worms

Some species of parasites feed on the blood, which can lead not only to loss of blood, and the development of iron-deficiency anemia.

In the background of anemia in the man, in whose body "live" the parasites, you experience the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue,
  • fatigue,
  • the general weakness,the
  • dizziness,
  • headaches,
  • blanching of the epidermis how the whites of the eyes,
  • shortness of breath,
  • the palpitations of the heart.

The allergy to the worms

Infestations not only produce toxins that poison the body, and which violate the integrity of the intestines, which leads to the failure in the functioning of the immune system.

The pain in the joints worms

The nervous system of the earthworm

It has been shown that the toxins secreted by the worms, adversely affect the nervous system of the infected person, which is manifested by irritability, frequent mood changes, apathy, depression, decrease of attention concentration and memory.

Sleep disturbance to the worms

Difficulty getting to sleep, the feeling of the laxity of the morning, regular to fall at night (especially between two and three hours of the night) should be alert, as all of these symptoms can occur in the background of the presence of parasites in the body.

Cramps to worms

In severe cases, it is possible poisoning of the products of the vital activity of the parasites in the brain, which can cause seizures.

Worms in the lungs

In the process of migration of worms can enter the lungs, as shown by the following symptoms:

  • cough,
  • an increase of the temperature of low-grade digits,
  • the selection of sputum,
  • the cold.

Remember that, precisely, the parasites can cause the development of these terrible diseases like pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

Practical recommendations to the worms

A doctor cure worms?

The symptoms of the presence in the body of parasites is sufficiently versatile and blurry. Therefore, if it is suspected helminthiasis adults should consult a doctor , and the children to the pediatrician . If necessary, they hired doctors of related specialties.

Analysis of the eggs of the worm

If it is suspected helminthiasis can be assigned to the accomplishment of the following studies:

  • The analysis of the cove (break in between the studies is 3 – 4 days).
  • A detailed analysis of the cala more informative through the application of the technology of the pcr ).
  • The scraping of the Pinworm (note that when Vermicularis this analysis is not informative).
  • Analysis of blood leukocyte formula (when parasitic diseases is illustrated by the increase in the number of eosinophils).
  • Serological analysis of the blood in immunoglobulins , which allows to determine the location of the parasites in the human body.
  • Ultrasound of the liver will show the increase in size of the authority, indicating that the inflammatory process, which is called toxic effects of the parasites.
  • An mri of the brain will help to establish the presence of parasites directly in the brain.
Cramps to worms

How to get rid of the worms?

Anthelmintic treatment should be appointed exclusively by the doctor.

Independent, the treatment can be useless, as well as to fight against different species of parasites are applied to drugs of different groups.

In addition, self-treatment helminths dangerous, because in the composition anthelmintic drug includes the poisons that affect the compliance of the dose and the scheme of reception of toxic effects in the body.

The prevention of worms

Help warn the impact on the body of the parasites, of the following activities:

  • The washing of the hands after a walk and before eating.
  • Drinking boiled water or purified water.
  • The exception of the ingestion of salt water, dried and the fish is cured, it will not pass the certification test.
  • The heat treatment of meat products.
  • Thorough washing of vegetables and fruits.
  • The exception of swimming in dirty waters.
  • The celebration of the prevention of worms for all family members, as well as domestic animals.